We are striving for better homes for everyone in our communities. Everyone wants their home to be safe, warm and welcoming. Yet millions of people across Europe still live in homes which are unfit – too small, too dark, too cold, too damp – or experience homelessness. That’s why we’re committed to helping those most in need; giving our time, products and financial contributions.
Our targets
- Help more than two million people whose housing needs are greatest by 2025.
Our FY23/24 progress
- Exceeded our 2025/26 target ahead of schedule, through strong performance and delivery from our banner Foundations. We will continue to track performance against this indicator.
- Reached over 1.2 million people this year through community projects, bringing our total to 3.2 million people helped since 2016/17.
- Supported global disaster relief efforts this year in Turkey, Syria, Morocco and Libya by donating £305,000 and products to charities such as the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC), the Red Cross and Fondation de France.
- Responded to local emergencies, such as flooding in Pas-de-Calais, France (Castorama) and storm damage in Loughborough, UK (B&Q).
- Continued our partnerships with national charities in the UK, France and Romania.
- Renewed our mission to more accurately reflect the diversity of our projects.
Our Charitable Partnerships
We continued our partnerships with national charities: Shelter, Childhood Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support in the UK, Fondation Abbé Pierre and Compagnons Bâtisseurs in France, and Habitat for Humanity in Romania.
Our foundations
Our network of foundations and charitable partnerships across our banners now covers the UK, France, Poland and Romania, supporting charities working to improve housing and community spaces.

The B&Q Foundation is a charity founded by B&Q so that we can reach out to our local communities and help everyone experience the benefits of home improvement. Whether it’s a community hall or care centre, hostel or hospice, we believe that anyone can improve their home or environment around them to make life better.

Nowadays, millions of us live in rooms, apartments or houses that are too small, too dark, cold and too damp. For some, even such a space seems to be an unattainable dream. For too many of us, this is not just a vision of the harsh reality of everyday life - it is the only perspective of the future that we have.
But we know that a home is not just a shelter, a space, or a place that helps us survive. That is why our mission is to help as many people as possible by improving housing. We will help more people know what it’s like to wake up in a home that’s safe, dry and warm. To welcome family and friends to a home they feel proud of.

The Screwfix Foundation is a registered charity set up in 2013. We have a clear purpose of raising funds to support projects that will fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for those in need throughout the UK. The Screwfix Foundation has granted nearly £7million since it was launched in 2013 which has been used to support more than 1,500 local charities and not-for-profits.

Nowadays, millions of us live in rooms, apartments or houses that are too small, too dark, cold and too damp. For some, even such a space seems to be an unattainable dream. For too many of us, this is not just a vision of the harsh reality of everyday life - it is the only perspective of the future that we have.
But we know that a home is not just a shelter, a space, or a place that helps us survive. And so, through our newly created Fondation Castorama in France, we extended our community impact by supporting 13 NGOs working to improve housing and community facilities, increase access to housing and foster self-help networks among disadvantaged families and communities.

Good homes have never been more important, especially for the millions of people who live in cramped, unsafe rooms, apartments, and homes with no running water or electricity, or a sloping roof. A home is not just a shelter. A good home is essential to our lives; for health, dignity and well-being. To build relationships and strengthen communities and to be able to hope for a better future.
As per our mission, we strive to help solving the problem of poor and inadequate housing. Our efforts aim at improving the living conditions, the quality and safety of life in disadvantaged communities and low-income families.
That's why we are committed to helping as many people find out what it's like to have a proper, safe and welcoming home.

At Brico France we believe everyone should live in a safe, warm and welcoming home. Yet millions of people still live in homes which are unfit. That’s why we founded the Brico Depôt France Foundation
The Brico Dépôt Foundation exists to help as many associations as possible, everywhere in France, chosen by our stores,
to change their game, and let them carry out projects allowing the home improvement for the most needy.
Our goal is to allow everyone to live in better conditions and make our colleagues proud of their company !

At Brico Iberia we believe everyone should live in a safe, warm and welcoming home. Yet millions of people still live in homes which are unfit. That’s why we founded the Brico Depôt Iberia Foundation, with the clear purpose of helping improve and repair homes and community spaces for those in need across Spain and Portugal.
Our newly created Foundation will support charities working to fix bad housing across our territory by funding projects, donating products, or through volunteering.

B&Q has partnered with Shelter since 2017, working with the shared belief that everyone should have a home where they feel safe, comfortable and secure.
Through the partnership with Shelter, B&Q funds a team of expert DIY Skills Advisers, who help Shelter clients with essential DIY and home improvement skills.
B&Q also provides funding for Shelter’s support and advice services, including their helpline. B&Q works with Shelter in England, Wales and Scotland and with Shelter’s partner charities - Focus Ireland in ROI and Housing Rights in Northern Ireland.
To find out more about Shelter’s work.
Community case studies
View allOur other key priorities

We will become a more inclusive company

We will help tackle climate change and become Forest Positive

We will help make greener, healthier homes affordable