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From November 2023 all Dividend Confirmations are stored online and are no longer posted to shareholders. Shareholders will be able to download their Annual Dividend Confirmation (“ADC”) statement from Investor Centre: Once registered, please select Documents to view and download your ADC. ADCs are usually uploaded to Investor Centre on an annual basis around November, following the last dividend payment in the Financial Tax Year. Should a shareholder not have access to a computer or printer they can telephone the Kingfisher helpline at Computershare: 0370 702 0129 to request a paper copy.

The company pays all cash dividends through direct payment to shareholder bank accounts. Shareholders who have not yet notified our Registrar, Computershare, of their preferred payment option should do so without delay. Please note that this does not affect those shareholders who are subscribed to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP").

Details of the payment options available and the DRIP are displayed below. See our FAQs document for more information on Kingfisher’s decision to pay via direct payment.

Details of the dividends payable during the year are set out in the financial calendar.

Contact our Registrar, Computershare:
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
BS99 6ZZ
Tel: +44 (0) 370 702 0129

Payment Options

The payment options available for shareholders are as follows:

  • Paid directly into your UK bank account
  • Paid directly into your Euro bank account
  • Paid directly into your bank account via the Global Payment Service provided by our Registrar, Computershare.
  • Elect to re-invest your dividend in additional Kingfisher shares via our Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

For further information, and to confirm your preferred payment option, please contact our Registrar, Computershare.

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Kingfisher operates a Dividend Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP") for shareholders who wish to re-invest their dividends for further shares in the company.

The DRIP, administered by our Registrar, Computershare, allows shareholders to reinvest their cash dividend in shares bought on the London Stock Exchange through a specially arranged share dealing service. There is no fee to join the DRIP and shareholders can opt-out, and receive their dividends by direct credit, at any time (subject to receipt of notification before DRIP election date in respect of each dividend payment).

If you choose to join the DRIP, your cash dividend, net of dealing commission and stamp duty reserve tax, will be used to buy Kingfisher shares. The dealing commission charge is 0.75% of the value of the shares purchased, subject to a minimum charge of £2.50, and stamp duty reserve tax is currently 0.5%.

Shareholders can join the DRIP online through Investor Centre, or alternatively please complete a DRIP mandate form and return it to our Registrars. You can download a DRIP mandate form and view the Terms & Conditions on the Computershare website.

Historical Dividends

Financial Year Dividend Dividend Rate (pps) Payment Date Record Date
2024/25 Interim 3.80 15.11.24 11.10.24
2023/24 Final 8.60 25.06.24 17.05.24
2023/24 Interim 3.80 17.11.23 13.10.23
2022/23 Final 8.60 03.07.23 26.05.23
2022/23 Interim 3.80 11.11.22 07.10.22
2021/22 Final 8.60 27.06.22 20.05.22
2021/22 Interim 3.80 12.11.21 08.10.21
2020/21 Final 8.251 05.07.21 04.06.21
2020/21 Interim - N.A. N.A.
2019/20 Final - N.A. N.A.
2019/20 Interim 3.33 08.11.19 04.10.19
2018/19 Final 7.49 15.07.19 07.06.19
2018/19 Interim 3.33 09.11.18 05.10.18
2017/18 Final 7.49 18.06.18 04.05.18
2017/18 Interim 3.33 10.11.17 06.10.17
2016/17 Final 7.15 19.06.17 05.05.17
2016/17 Interim 3.25 11.11.16 07.10.16
2015/16 Final 6.92 20.06.16 06.05.16
2015/16 Interim 3.18 13.11.15 09.10.15
2014/15 Final 6.85 15.06.15 15.05.15
2014/15 Interim 3.15 14.11.14 10.10.14
2014/15 Special 4.20 25.07.14 27.06.14
2013/14 Final 6.78 16.06.14 16.05.14
2013/14 Interim 3.12 15.11.13 11.10.13
2012/13 Final 6.37 17.06.13 10.05.13
2012/13 Interim 3.09 16.11.12 12.10.12
2011/12 Final 6.37 18.06.12 04.05.12
2011/12 Interim 2.47 11.11.11 07.10.11
2010/11 Final 5.145 20.06.11 06.05.11
2010/11 Interim 1.925 12.11.10 08.10.10
2009/10 Final 3.575 18.06.10 07.05.10
2009/10 Interim 1.925 12.11.09 09.10.09
2008/09 Final 3.4 19.06.09 08.05.09
2008/09 Interim 1.925 14.11.08 10.10.08
2007/08 Final 3.4 13.06.08 16.04.08
2007/08 Interim 3.85 16.11.07 05.10.07
2006/07 Final 6.80 08.06.07 10.04.07
2006/07 Interim 3.85 10.11.06 22.09.06
2005/06 Final 6.80 02.06.06 07.04.06
2005/06 Interim 3.85 11.11.05 23.09.05
2004/05 Final 6.80 03.06.05 01.04.05
2004/05 Interim 3.85 12.11.04 24.09.04
2003/04 Final 6.15 11.06.04 02.04.04
2003/04 Interim 3.50 14.11.03 26.09.03
2002/03 Final 6.05 13.06.03 04.04.03
2002/03 Interim 3.45 22.11.02 04.10.02
2001/02 Final 7.655 14.06.02 05.04.02
2001/02 Interim 4.345 16.11.01 28.09.01
2000/01 Final 11.25 15.06.01 04.04.01
2000/01 Interim 4.25 17.11.00 29.09.00
1999/2000 Final 10.5 22.06.00 14.04.00
1999/2000 Interim 4.00 19.11.99 01.10.99
1998/99 Final 9.25 01.07.99 12.04.99
1998/99 Interim 3.75 21.11.98 03.10.98
1997/98 Final 16.5 02.07.98 14.04.98
1997/98 Interim 6.5 21.11.97 03.10.97
1996/97 Final 14.00 04.07.97 07.04.97
1996/97 Interim 4.50 22.11.96 08.10.96
1995/96 Final 11.70 02.07.96 17.04.96
1995/96 Interim 4.40 24.11.95 03.10.95
1994/95 Final 10.8 04.07.95 01.05.95
1994/95 Interim 4.40 17.11.94 06.10.94
1993/94 Final 10.5 05.07.94 02.06.94

For further details please contact the Company's Registrars.

1 The Board approved a total dividend per share of 8.25p in respect of FY 2020/21, comprising an interim dividend of 2.75p in respect of the six months ended 31 July 2020 (FY 2019/20 interim dividend: 3.33p) and a final dividend of 5.50p (FY 2019/20 final dividend: nil).