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It is our policy to conduct business across the Kingfisher group in an honest and ethical manner.

We are committed to maintaining an open culture with the highest standards of honesty and accountability, where vendors can report legitimate concerns in confidence, and we welcome the voicing of genuine and serious concerns about actual or alleged malpractice and wrongdoing.

It is Kingfisher policy to ensure that all vendors have free access to an independent, confidential mechanism for reporting concerns.

Whistleblowers can also choose to remain anonymous when contacting us via the SpeakUp channel.

What is SpeakUp (EthicsPoint)?

SpeakUp (EthicsPoint) is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool created by our third-party provider NAVEX Global to assist management, employees and third parties work together in addressing fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace or when conducting business, all while cultivating a positive work environment.

SpeakUp is designed as a reporting channel available to all Kingfisher employees and contract staff and for third parties with whom we have a business relationship. We welcome the escalation of any genuine concerns regarding wrongdoings committed by a Kingfisher Group company, employee or third party.

How can I escalate a genuine concern via SpeakUp (Ethics Point)?

With SpeakUp (EthicsPoint), you have the ability to file a confidential, anonymous report via either the telephone or the Internet. You can either use this link: or one of the hotline numbers available below:

Country Country
Brazil 0800 000 0062
China 400 120 0210
France 0 800 91 89 06
Germany 0800 1819681
Hong Kong 800 901 421
India 000 800 9191 215
Ireland 1800 85 16 80
Poland 800 005 034
Portugal 800 180 769
Romania 0800 890 349
Russia 8 (800) 301-45-85
Spain 900 999 446
Turkey 0800 621 2361
United Kingdom 0800 949 6481
Vietnam (833) 373-1008

What happens when a whistleblower contacts SpeakUp (EthicsPoint)?

When you file a report with SpeakUp (EthicsPoint) either via web site or through the hotline you will be asked to provide information regarding your concern. We strongly encourage you to feel comfortable in providing as much relevant information as possible to enable the concern to be properly assessed and investigated by Kingfisher.

You will receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the SpeakUp (EthicsPoint) system again either via web site or hotline and access the original report to add more detail or answer questions posed by a company representative and add further information that will help resolve open issues.

We strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer company questions. You and the company now have entered into an “anonymous dialogue,” where situations are not only identified, but can also be resolved, no matter how complex.

What happens to a concern once escalated via SpeakUp?

We treat all matters very seriously and we have strong mechanisms in place to ensure that concerns are being properly managed.

Once a report is submitted, an acknowledgment of receipt will be delivered to the whistleblower.

After an initial review, a decision will be made as to whether and how Kingfisher will investigate the report. The individual who made the report will be notified once a decision is made whether to pursue an investigation.

All related parties will be notified once a case is closed. However, we may not be able to provide full details of the outcome of a case for reasons of confidentiality, privacy and the legal rights of all concerned.