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The below link shows the forecasts that have been gathered for Kingfisher through Vuma Consensus, an external web-based tool independently managed by Vuma Financial Limited, a company separate from Kingfisher.

The consensus figures reflect the opinions of, and are updated by, investment analysts based on publicly available information.  Save as described below, consensus figures are a simple arithmetic average of recent forecasts that have been provided to Kingfisher via Vuma Consensus, by registered investment analysts. The figures do not give greater weight to the forecasts of any individual analyst and may or may not represent the market consensus. These average estimates are not endorsed by Kingfisher, nor does Kingfisher express a view on the consensus estimates or assume any obligation to update or revise them after the date noted below. Kingfisher does not warrant that the information presented is accurate or complete. Whilst Kingfisher reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice, to exclude one or more analysts’ forecasts on the basis that Kingfisher believes them to be unrepresentative and/or out of date, any analysts forecasts submitted represents the independent opinion of that analyst and does not constitute the opinion of Kingfisher. In some instances, interim period forecasts (i.e. H1 and H2) may not reconcile to full year forecasts due to fewer analysts forecasting on an interim basis than a full year basis. Group LFL forecasts for some analysts exclude Romania and Iberia LFL sales forecasts.

Nothing in this analysis should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell shares in Kingfisher, to take or not take any other action or to place any reliance on the information presented here. Kingfisher shall have no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the forecasts or information displayed. The information is made available here solely as a convenience to users of this website.

The consensus data was last updated on 18/12/2024.

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